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Phytolacca acinosa (Asiatische Kermesbeere - Indian Pokeweed)

Descrizione del:
Foto von Phytolacca acinosa (Asiatische Kermesbeere - Indian Pokeweed). Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete und Frucht. Das Foto wurde in Muenster, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Deutschland aufgenommen. ---- Photo of Phytolacca acinosa (Asiatische Kermesbeere - Indian Pokeweed).The image is showing leaf, flower and fruit.The picture was taken in Muenster, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.
Il copyright:
O. Tackenberg
Parole chiave:
#Phytolacca_acinosa #Asiatische_Kermesbeere #Indian_Pokeweed #Phytolacca_esculenta #Achtmaennige_Kermesbeere #Indian_Pokeberry #Phytolacca #Kermesbeere #Pokeweed #Phytolaccaceae #Kermesbeerengewaechse #Pokeweed_family #Blatt #Bluete #Frucht #leaf #flower #fruit
Risoluzione dell'originale:
3490 x 4677 px

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