Carrello (0) ha iniziato i pacchetti nel carrello della spesa


Amaranthus caudatus | Foto von Amaranthus caudatus. Das Bild zeigt Blatt und Bluete. Das Foto wurde in Jena, Thueringen, Deutschland aufgenommen. ---- Photo of Amaranthus caudatus.The image is showing leaf and flower.The picture was taken in Jena, Thuringia, Germany.Amaranthus powellii (Gruenaehriger Fuchsschwanz - Powell's Amaran | Foto von Amaranthus powellii (Gruenaehriger Fuchsschwanz - Powell's Amaranth). Das Bild zeigt Blatt und Bluete. Das Foto wurde in Sulzbach (Taunus), Main-Taunus-Kreis, Hessen, Deutschland, Oberrheinisches Tiefland und Rhein-Main-Ebene aufgenommen. ---- Photo of Amaranthus powellii (Gruenaehriger Fuchsschwanz - Powell's Amaranth).The image is showing leaf and flower.The picture was taken in Sulzbach (Taunus), Main-Taunus district, Hesse, Germany, Oberrheinisches Tiefland and Rhein-MainAmaranthus cruentus | Foto von Amaranthus cruentus. Das Bild zeigt Blatt und Bluete. Das Foto wurde in Bonn, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Deutschland aufgenommen. ---- Photo of Amaranthus cruentus.The image is showing leaf and flower.The picture was taken in Bonn, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.Amaranthus cruentus | Foto von Amaranthus cruentus. Das Foto wurde in Genève, Schweiz aufgenommen. ---- Photo of Amaranthus cruentus.The picture was taken in Geneva, Switzerland.Beta vulgaris (Futter-Ruebe - Beet) | Foto von Beta vulgaris (Futter-Ruebe - Beet). Das Bild zeigt Bluete. Das Foto wurde in Besancon, Bourgogne-Franche-Comté (Praefektur), Frankreich aufgenommen. ---- Photo of Beta vulgaris (Futter-Ruebe - Beet).The image is showing flower.The picture was taken in Besançon, Bourgogne-Franche-Comté.Beta vulgaris (Futter-Ruebe - Beet) | Foto von Beta vulgaris (Futter-Ruebe - Beet). Das Bild zeigt Blatt und Bluete. Das Foto wurde in Besancon, Bourgogne-Franche-Comté (Praefektur), Frankreich aufgenommen. ---- Photo of Beta vulgaris (Futter-Ruebe - Beet).The image is showing leaf and flower.The picture was taken in Besançon, Bourgogne-Franche-Comté.Blitum bonus-henricus (Guter Heinrich - Good-King-Henry) | Foto von Blitum bonus-henricus (Guter Heinrich - Good-King-Henry). Das Bild zeigt Blatt und Bluete. Das Foto wurde in Kalihalde, Volpriehausen, Niedersachsen, Deutschland, Mitteldeutsches Trias-Berg und Huegelland, Solling aufgenommen. ---- Photo of Blitum bonus-henricus (Guter Heinrich - Good-King-Henry).The image is showing leaf and flower.The picture was taken in Potash dump, Volpriehausen, Lower Saxony, Germany, Central German Triassic mountain and hill country, Solling.Blitum capitatum | Foto von Blitum capitatum. Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete und Frucht. Das Foto wurde in Mainz, Rheinland-Pfalz, Deutschland aufgenommen. ---- Photo of Blitum capitatum.The image is showing leaf, flower and fruit.The picture was taken in Mainz, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany.Chenopodiastrum hybridum (Breitblaettriger Gaensefuss - Maple-leaved Goosefoot) | Foto von Chenopodiastrum hybridum (Breitblaettriger Gaensefuss - Maple-leaved Goosefoot). Das Bild zeigt Blatt und Bluete. Das Foto wurde in Wiesloch, Rhein-Neckar-Kreis, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Deutschland, Neckarland aufgenommen. ---- Photo of Chenopodiastrum hybridum (Breitblaettriger Gaensefuss - Maple-leaved Goosefoot).The image is showing leaf and flower.The picture was taken in Wiesloch, Rhein-Neckar district, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Neckarland.Blitum bonus-henricus (Guter Heinrich - Good-King-Henry) | Foto von Blitum bonus-henricus (Guter Heinrich - Good-King-Henry). Das Bild zeigt Blatt und Bluete. Das Foto wurde in Monte Bondeone, Provincia Autonoma di Trento, Italien, Alpen aufgenommen. ---- Photo of Blitum bonus-henricus (Guter Heinrich - Good-King-Henry).The image is showing leaf and flower.The picture was taken in Monte Bondeone, Provincia Autonoma di Trento, Italy, Alps.Blitum virgatum (Echter Erdbeerspinat - Strawberry Goosefoot) | Foto von Blitum virgatum (Echter Erdbeerspinat - Strawberry Goosefoot). Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete und Frucht. Das Foto wurde in Mainz, Rheinland-Pfalz, Deutschland aufgenommen. ---- Photo of Blitum virgatum (Echter Erdbeerspinat - Strawberry Goosefoot).The image is showing leaf, flower and fruit.The picture was taken in Mainz, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany.Dysphania botrys (Klebriger Druesengaensefuss - Sticky Goosefoot) | Foto von Dysphania botrys (Klebriger Druesengaensefuss - Sticky Goosefoot). Das Bild zeigt Blatt und Bluete. Das Foto wurde in Nancy, Grand Est, Frankreich aufgenommen. ---- Photo of Dysphania botrys (Klebriger Druesengaensefuss - Sticky Goosefoot).The image is showing leaf and flower.The picture was taken in Nancy, Grand Est, France.Dysphania pumilio (Australischer Druesengaensefuss - Clammy Goosefoot) | Foto von Dysphania pumilio (Australischer Druesengaensefuss - Clammy Goosefoot). Das Bild zeigt Blatt und Bluete. Das Foto wurde in Mannheim, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Deutschland, Oberrheinisches Tiefland und Rhein-Main-Ebene aufgenommen. ---- Photo of Dysphania pumilio (Australischer Druesengaensefuss - Clammy Goosefoot).The image is showing leaf and flower.The picture was taken in Mannheim, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Oberrheinisches Tiefland and Rhein-Main-Ebene.Salsola tragus (Ungarisches Salzkraut - Spineless Saltwort) | Foto von Salsola tragus (Ungarisches Salzkraut - Spineless Saltwort). Das Bild zeigt Blatt und Bluete. Das Foto wurde in Griesheimer Duene, Darmstadt, Hessen, Deutschland, Oberrheinisches Tiefland und Rhein-Main-Ebene aufgenommen. ---- Photo of Salsola tragus (Ungarisches Salzkraut - Spineless Saltwort).The image is showing leaf and flower.The picture was taken in Griesheimer dune, Darmstadt, Hesse, Germany, Oberrheinisches Tiefland and Rhein-Main-Ebene.Historical drawing of Beta vulgaris (Beet) | Historical drawing of Beta vulgaris (Beet) showing leaf, flower, fruit, seedHistorical drawing of Salicornia europaea (Common Glasswort) | Historical drawing of Salicornia europaea (Common Glasswort) showing leaf, flower, fruit, seedHistorical drawing of Amaranthus cruentus (Pigweed) | Historical drawing of Amaranthus cruentus (Pigweed) showing leaf, flower, fruit, seedHistorical drawing of Amaranthus hypochondriacus (Pigweed) | Historical drawing of Amaranthus hypochondriacus (Pigweed) showing leaf, flower, fruit, seedHistorical drawing of Amaranthus albus (White Pigweed) | Historical drawing of Amaranthus albus (White Pigweed) showing leaf, flower, fruit, seedHistorical drawing of Amaranthus retroflexus (Common Amaranth) | Historical drawing of Amaranthus retroflexus (Common Amaranth) showing leaf, flower, fruit, seedHistorical drawing of Atriplex glabriuscula (Babington's Orac | Historical drawing of Atriplex glabriuscula (Babington's Orache) showing leaf, flower, fruit, sHistorical drawing of Atriplex hortensis (Garden Orache) | Historical drawing of Atriplex hortensis (Garden Orache) showing leaf, flower, fruit, seedHistorical drawing of Atriplex laciniata (Frosted Orache) | Historical drawing of Atriplex laciniata (Frosted Orache) showing leaf, flower, fruit, seedHistorical drawing of Atriplex littoralis (Grass-leaved Orache) | Historical drawing of Atriplex littoralis (Grass-leaved Orache) showing leaf, flower, fruit, seedHistorical drawing of Atriplex longipes (Long-stalked Orache) | Historical drawing of Atriplex longipes (Long-stalked Orache) showing leaf, flower, fruit, seedHistorical drawing of Atriplex micrantha (Russian Orache) | Historical drawing of Atriplex micrantha (Russian Orache) showing leaf, flower, fruit, seedHistorical drawing of Halimione pedunculata (Pedunculate Sea-purslane) | Historical drawing of Halimione pedunculata (Pedunculate Sea-purslane) showing leaf, flower, fruit, seedHistorical drawing of Halimione portulacoides (Sea-purslane) | Historical drawing of Halimione portulacoides (Sea-purslane) showing leaf, flower, fruit, seedHistorical drawing of Atriplex prostrata (Spear-leaved Orache) | Historical drawing of Atriplex prostrata (Spear-leaved Orache) showing leaf, flower, fruit, seedHistorical drawing of Atriplex rosea (Redscale) | Historical drawing of Atriplex rosea (Redscale)Historical drawing of Atriplex sagittata (Purple Orache) | Historical drawing of Atriplex sagittata (Purple Orache) showing leaf, flower, fruit, seedHistorical drawing of Atriplex tatarica (Tatarian Orache) | Historical drawing of Atriplex tatarica (Tatarian Orache) showing leaf, flower, fruit, seedHistorical drawing of Bassia laniflora (Sand Smotherweed) | Historical drawing of Bassia laniflora (Sand Smotherweed) showing leaf, flower, fruit, seedHistorical drawing of Bassia scoparia (Summer-cypress) | Historical drawing of Bassia scoparia (Summer-cypress) showing leaf, flower, fruit, seedHistorical drawing of Beta trigyna (Beet) | Historical drawing of Beta trigyna (Beet) showing leaf, flower, fruit, seedHistorical drawing of Camphorosma annua | Historical drawing of Camphorosma annua showing leaf, flower, fruit, seedHistorical drawing of Chenopodium hircinum (Goosefoot) | Historical drawing of Chenopodium hircinum (Goosefoot) showing leaf, flower, fruit, seedHistorical drawing of Oxybasis chenopodioides (Saltmarsh Goosefoot) | Historical drawing of Oxybasis chenopodioides (Saltmarsh Goosefoot) showing leaf, flower, fruit, seedHistorical drawing of Blitum virgatum (Strawberry Goosefoot) | Historical drawing of Blitum virgatum (Strawberry Goosefoot) showing leaf, flower, fruit, seedHistorical drawing of Oxybasis glauca (Oak-leaved Goosefoot) | Historical drawing of Oxybasis glauca (Oak-leaved Goosefoot) showing leaf, flower, fruit, seedHistorical drawing of Chenopodiastrum hybridum (Maple-leaved Goosefoot) | Historical drawing of Chenopodiastrum hybridum (Maple-leaved Goosefoot) showing leaf, flower, fruit, seedHistorical drawing of Chenopodiastrum murale (Nettle-leaved Goosefoot) | Historical drawing of Chenopodiastrum murale (Nettle-leaved Goosefoot) showing leaf, flower, fruit, seedHistorical drawing of Chenopodium opulifolium (Grey Goosefoot) | Historical drawing of Chenopodium opulifolium (Grey Goosefoot) showing leaf, flower, fruit, seedHistorical drawing of Lipandra polysperma (Many-seeded Goosefoot) | Historical drawing of Lipandra polysperma (Many-seeded Goosefoot) showing leaf, flower, fruit, seedHistorical drawing of Oxybasis rubra (Red Goosefoot) | Historical drawing of Oxybasis rubra (Red Goosefoot) showing leaf, flower, fruit, seedHistorical drawing of Oxybasis urbica (Upright Goosefoot) | Historical drawing of Oxybasis urbica (Upright Goosefoot) showing leaf, flower, fruit, seedHistorical drawing of Chenopodium vulvaria (Stinking Goosefoot) | Historical drawing of Chenopodium vulvaria (Stinking Goosefoot) showing leaf, flower, fruit, seedHistorical drawing of Corispermum intermedium (Bugseed) | Historical drawing of Corispermum intermedium (Bugseed) showing leaf, flower, fruit, seedHistorical drawing of Dysphania ambrosioides (Mexican-tea) | Historical drawing of Dysphania ambrosioides (Mexican-tea) showing leaf, flower, fruit, seedHistorical drawing of Dysphania botrys (Sticky Goosefoot) | Historical drawing of Dysphania botrys (Sticky Goosefoot) showing leaf, flower, fruit, seedHistorical drawing of Polycnemum arvense (Field Polycnemum) | Historical drawing of Polycnemum arvense (Field Polycnemum) showing leaf, flower, fruit, seedHistorical drawing of Bassia hirsuta (Hairy Seablite) | Historical drawing of Bassia hirsuta (Hairy Seablite) showing leaf, flower, fruit, seedHistorical drawing of Suaeda maritima (Annual Sea-blite) | Historical drawing of Suaeda maritima (Annual Sea-blite) showing leaf, flower, fruit, seedHistorical drawing of Amaranthus caudatus (Pigweed) | Historical drawing of Amaranthus caudatus (Pigweed) showing leaf, flower, fruit, seedHistorical drawing of Amaranthus deflexus (Perennial Pigweed) | Historical drawing of Amaranthus deflexus (Perennial Pigweed) showing leaf, flower, fruit, seedHistorical drawing of Amaranthus hybridus (Green Amaranth) | Historical drawing of Amaranthus hybridus (Green Amaranth) showing leaf, flower, fruit, seedHistorical drawing of Amaranthus graecizans (Short-tepalled Pigweed) | Historical drawing of Amaranthus graecizans (Short-tepalled Pigweed) showing leaf, flower, fruit, seedHistorical drawing of Atriplex hortensis (Garden Orache) | Historical drawing of Atriplex hortensis (Garden Orache) showing leaf, flower, fruit, seedHistorical drawing of Atriplex laciniata (Frosted Orache) | Historical drawing of Atriplex laciniata (Frosted Orache) showing leaf, flower, fruit, seedHistorical drawing of Atriplex littoralis (Grass-leaved Orache) | Historical drawing of Atriplex littoralis (Grass-leaved Orache) showing leaf, flower, fruit, seedHistorical drawing of Atriplex oblongifolia (Oblongleaf Orache) | Historical drawing of Atriplex oblongifolia (Oblongleaf Orache) showing leaf, flower, fruit, seedHistorical drawing of Atriplex patula (Common Orache) | Historical drawing of Atriplex patula (Common Orache) showing leaf, flower, fruit, seedHistorical drawing of Atriplex patula (Common Orache) | Historical drawing of Atriplex patula (Common Orache) showing leaf, flower, fruit, seedHistorical drawing of Atriplex prostrata (Spear-leaved Orache) | Historical drawing of Atriplex prostrata (Spear-leaved Orache) showing leaf, flower, fruit, seedHistorical drawing of Atriplex sagittata (Purple Orache) | Historical drawing of Atriplex sagittata (Purple Orache) showing leaf, flower, fruit, seedHistorical drawing of Atriplex patula (Common Orache) | Historical drawing of Atriplex patula (Common Orache) showing leaf, flower, fruit, seedHistorical drawing of Beta vulgaris (Beet) | Historical drawing of Beta vulgaris (Beet) showing leaf, flower, fruit, seedHistorical drawing of Blitum bonus-henricus (Good-King-Henry) | Historical drawing of Blitum bonus-henricus (Good-King-Henry) showing leaf, flower, fruit, seedHistorical drawing of Blitum capitatum | Historical drawing of Blitum capitatum showing leaf, flower, fruit, seedHistorical drawing of Chenopodiastrum hybridum (Maple-leaved Goosefoot) | Historical drawing of Chenopodiastrum hybridum (Maple-leaved Goosefoot) showing leaf, flower, fruit, seedHistorical drawing of Chenopodiastrum murale (Nettle-leaved Goosefoot) | Historical drawing of Chenopodiastrum murale (Nettle-leaved Goosefoot) showing leaf, flower, fruit, seedHistorical drawing of Chenopodium ficifolium (Fig-leaved Goosefoot) | Historical drawing of Chenopodium ficifolium (Fig-leaved Goosefoot) showing leaf, flower, fruit, seedHistorical drawing of Chenopodium opulifolium (Grey Goosefoot) | Historical drawing of Chenopodium opulifolium (Grey Goosefoot) showing leaf, flower, fruit, seedHistorical drawing of Chenopodium vulvaria (Stinking Goosefoot) | Historical drawing of Chenopodium vulvaria (Stinking Goosefoot) showing leaf, flower, fruit, seedHistorical drawing of Chenopodium ficifolium (Fig-leaved Goosefoot) | Historical drawing of Chenopodium ficifolium (Fig-leaved Goosefoot) showing leaf, flower, fruit, seedHistorical drawing of Corispermum hyssopifolium (Bugseed) | Historical drawing of Corispermum hyssopifolium (Bugseed) showing leaf, flower, fruit, seedHistorical drawing of Corispermum intermedium (Bugseed) | Historical drawing of Corispermum intermedium (Bugseed) showing leaf, flower, fruit, seedHistorical drawing of Corispermum nitidum (Bugseed) | Historical drawing of Corispermum nitidum (Bugseed) showing leaf, flower, fruit, seedHistorical drawing of Dysphania ambrosioides (Mexican-tea) | Historical drawing of Dysphania ambrosioides (Mexican-tea) showing leaf, flower, fruit, seedHistorical drawing of Dysphania botrys (Sticky Goosefoot) | Historical drawing of Dysphania botrys (Sticky Goosefoot) showing leaf, flower, fruit, seedHistorical drawing of Halimione portulacoides (Sea-purslane) | Historical drawing of Halimione portulacoides (Sea-purslane) showing leaf, flower, fruit, seedHistorical drawing of Krascheninnikovia ceratoides | Historical drawing of Krascheninnikovia ceratoides showing leaf, flower, fruit, seedHistorical drawing of Oxybasis chenopodioides (Saltmarsh Goosefoot) | Historical drawing of Oxybasis chenopodioides (Saltmarsh Goosefoot) showing leaf, flower, fruit, seedHistorical drawing of Oxybasis glauca (Oak-leaved Goosefoot) | Historical drawing of Oxybasis glauca (Oak-leaved Goosefoot) showing leaf, flower, fruit, seedHistorical drawing of Oxybasis rubra (Red Goosefoot) | Historical drawing of Oxybasis rubra (Red Goosefoot) showing leaf, flower, fruit, seedHistorical drawing of Oxybasis urbica (Upright Goosefoot) | Historical drawing of Oxybasis urbica (Upright Goosefoot) showing leaf, flower, fruit, seedHistorical drawing of Salicornia procumbens (Yellow Glasswort) | Historical drawing of Salicornia procumbens (Yellow Glasswort) showing leaf, flower, fruit, seedHistorical drawing of Salsola kali (Prickly Saltwort) | Historical drawing of Salsola kali (Prickly Saltwort) showing leaf, flower, fruit, seedHistorical drawing of Sarcocornia fruticosa | Historical drawing of Sarcocornia fruticosa showing leaf, flower, fruit, seedHistorical drawing of Sarcocornia perennis | Historical drawing of Sarcocornia perennis showing leaf, flower, fruit, seedHistorical drawing of Spinacia oleracea | Historical drawing of Spinacia oleracea showing leaf, flower, fruit, seedAmaranthus caudatus | Foto von Amaranthus caudatus. Das Bild zeigt Blatt und Bluete. Das Foto wurde in Muenster, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Deutschland aufgenommen. ---- Photo of Amaranthus caudatus.The image is showing leaf and flower.The picture was taken in Muenster, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.Beta vulgaris (Futter-Ruebe - Beet) | Foto von Beta vulgaris (Futter-Ruebe - Beet). Das Bild zeigt Blatt. Das Foto wurde in Osnabrueck, Niedersachsen, Deutschland aufgenommen. ---- Photo of Beta vulgaris (Futter-Ruebe - Beet).The image is showing leaf.The picture was taken in Osnabrueck, Lower Saxony, Germany.Chenopodium quinoa | Foto von Chenopodium quinoa. Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete und Frucht. Das Foto wurde in Wuerzburg, Bayern, Deutschland aufgenommen. ---- Photo of Chenopodium quinoa.The image is showing leaf, flower and fruit.The picture was taken in Wuerzburg, Bayern, Germany.Chenopodium quinoa | Foto von Chenopodium quinoa. Das Bild zeigt Bluete und Frucht. Das Foto wurde in Wuerzburg, Bayern, Deutschland aufgenommen. ---- Photo of Chenopodium quinoa.The image is showing flower and fruit.The picture was taken in Wuerzburg, Bayern, Germany.Historical drawing of Chenopodium album agg. (Fat-hen) | Historical drawing of Chenopodium album agg. (Fat-hen)Historical drawing of Blitum bonus-henricus (Good-King-Henry) | Historical drawing of Blitum bonus-henricus (Good-King-Henry)Chenopodium album (Weisser Gaensefuss - Fat-hen) | Foto von Chenopodium album (Weisser Gaensefuss - Fat-hen). Das Foto wurde in Bremen, Deutschland aufgenommen. ---- Photo of Chenopodium album (Weisser Gaensefuss - Fat-hen).The picture was taken in Bremen, Germany.Chenopodium album (Weisser Gaensefuss - Fat-hen) | Foto von Chenopodium album (Weisser Gaensefuss - Fat-hen). Das Foto wurde in Bremen, Deutschland aufgenommen. ---- Photo of Chenopodium album (Weisser Gaensefuss - Fat-hen).The picture was taken in Bremen, Germany.Chenopodium opulifolium (Schneeballblaettriger Gaensefuss - Grey Goosefoot) | Foto von Chenopodium opulifolium (Schneeballblaettriger Gaensefuss - Grey Goosefoot). Das Foto wurde in Dresden, Sachsen, Deutschland aufgenommen. ---- Photo of Chenopodium opulifolium (Schneeballblaettriger Gaensefuss - Grey Goosefoot).The picture was taken in Dresden, Sachsen, Germany.Blitum bonus-henricus (Guter Heinrich - Good-King-Henry) | Foto von Blitum bonus-henricus (Guter Heinrich - Good-King-Henry). Das Foto wurde in Meran, Suedtirol, Italien aufgenommen. ---- Photo of Blitum bonus-henricus (Guter Heinrich - Good-King-Henry).The picture was taken in Meran, South-Tyrol, Italy.Chenopodium ficifolium (Feigenblaettriger Gaensefuss - Fig-leaved Goosefoot) | Foto von Chenopodium ficifolium (Feigenblaettriger Gaensefuss - Fig-leaved Goosefoot). Das Foto wurde in Bremen, Deutschland aufgenommen. ---- Photo of Chenopodium ficifolium (Feigenblaettriger Gaensefuss - Fig-leaved Goosefoot).The picture was taken in Bremen, Germany.Blitum virgatum (Echter Erdbeerspinat - Strawberry Goosefoot) | Foto von Blitum virgatum (Echter Erdbeerspinat - Strawberry Goosefoot). Das Foto wurde in Mainz, Rheinland-Pfalz, Deutschland aufgenommen. ---- Photo of Blitum virgatum (Echter Erdbeerspinat - Strawberry Goosefoot).The picture was taken in Mainz, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany.Blitum virgatum (Echter Erdbeerspinat - Strawberry Goosefoot) | Foto von Blitum virgatum (Echter Erdbeerspinat - Strawberry Goosefoot). Das Foto wurde in aufgenommen. ---- Photo of Blitum virgatum (Echter Erdbeerspinat - Strawberry Goosefoot).The picture was taken in .Oxybasis glauca (Graugruener Gaensefuss - Oak-leaved Goosefoot) | Foto von Oxybasis glauca (Graugruener Gaensefuss - Oak-leaved Goosefoot). Das Foto wurde in Bremen, Deutschland aufgenommen. ---- Photo of Oxybasis glauca (Graugruener Gaensefuss - Oak-leaved Goosefoot).The picture was taken in Bremen, Germany.Chenopodiastrum hybridum (Breitblaettriger Gaensefuss - Maple-leaved Goosefoot) | Foto von Chenopodiastrum hybridum (Breitblaettriger Gaensefuss - Maple-leaved Goosefoot). Das Foto wurde in aufgenommen. ---- Photo of Chenopodiastrum hybridum (Breitblaettriger Gaensefuss - Maple-leaved Goosefoot).The picture was taken in .Chenopodiastrum murale (Mauer-Gaensefuss - Nettle-leaved Goosefoot) | Foto von Chenopodiastrum murale (Mauer-Gaensefuss - Nettle-leaved Goosefoot). Das Foto wurde in Bremen, Deutschland aufgenommen. ---- Photo of Chenopodiastrum murale (Mauer-Gaensefuss - Nettle-leaved Goosefoot).The picture was taken in Bremen, Germany.Lipandra polysperma (Vielsamiger Gaensefuss - Many-seeded Goosefoot) | Foto von Lipandra polysperma (Vielsamiger Gaensefuss - Many-seeded Goosefoot). Das Foto wurde in Dresden, Sachsen, Deutschland aufgenommen. ---- Photo of Lipandra polysperma (Vielsamiger Gaensefuss - Many-seeded Goosefoot).The picture was taken in Dresden, Sachsen, Germany.Oxybasis rubra (Roter Gaensefuss - Red Goosefoot) | Foto von Oxybasis rubra (Roter Gaensefuss - Red Goosefoot). Das Foto wurde in Bremen, Deutschland aufgenommen. ---- Photo of Oxybasis rubra (Roter Gaensefuss - Red Goosefoot).The picture was taken in Bremen, Germany.Oxybasis urbica (Keilblaettriger Strassen-Gaensefuss - Upright Goosefoot) | Foto von Oxybasis urbica (Keilblaettriger Strassen-Gaensefuss - Upright Goosefoot). Das Foto wurde in Berlin, Deutschland aufgenommen. ---- Photo of Oxybasis urbica (Keilblaettriger Strassen-Gaensefuss - Upright Goosefoot).The picture was taken in Berlin, Germany.Chenopodium vulvaria (Stinkender Gaensefuss - Stinking Goosefoot) | Foto von Chenopodium vulvaria (Stinkender Gaensefuss - Stinking Goosefoot). Das Foto wurde in Mainz, Rheinland-Pfalz, Deutschland aufgenommen. ---- Photo of Chenopodium vulvaria (Stinkender Gaensefuss - Stinking Goosefoot).The picture was taken in Mainz, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany.Corispermum intermedium (Schmalfluegeliger Wanzensame - Bugseed) | Foto von Corispermum intermedium (Schmalfluegeliger Wanzensame - Bugseed). Das Foto wurde in aufgenommen. ---- Photo of Corispermum intermedium (Schmalfluegeliger Wanzensame - Bugseed).The picture was taken in .Bassia scoparia (Besen-Radmelde - Summer-cypress) | Foto von Bassia scoparia (Besen-Radmelde - Summer-cypress). Das Foto wurde in Dresden, Sachsen, Deutschland aufgenommen. ---- Photo of Bassia scoparia (Besen-Radmelde - Summer-cypress).The picture was taken in Dresden, Sachsen, Germany.Bassia laniflora (Sand-Radmelde - Sand Smotherweed) | Foto von Bassia laniflora (Sand-Radmelde - Sand Smotherweed). Das Foto wurde in Berlin, Deutschland aufgenommen. ---- Photo of Bassia laniflora (Sand-Radmelde - Sand Smotherweed).The picture was taken in Berlin, Germany.Amaranthus blitum agg. (Blaeulicher Fuchsschwanz - Purple Amaranth) | Foto von Amaranthus blitum agg. (Blaeulicher Fuchsschwanz - Purple Amaranth). Das Foto wurde in Mainz, Rheinland-Pfalz, Deutschland aufgenommen. ---- Photo of Amaranthus blitum agg. (Blaeulicher Fuchsschwanz - Purple Amaranth).The picture was taken in Mainz, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany.Dysphania pumilio (Australischer Druesengaensefuss - Clammy Goosefoot) | Foto von Dysphania pumilio (Australischer Druesengaensefuss - Clammy Goosefoot). Das Foto wurde in Bremen, Deutschland aufgenommen. ---- Photo of Dysphania pumilio (Australischer Druesengaensefuss - Clammy Goosefoot).The picture was taken in Bremen, Germany.Dysphania botrys (Klebriger Druesengaensefuss - Sticky Goosefoot) | Foto von Dysphania botrys (Klebriger Druesengaensefuss - Sticky Goosefoot). Das Foto wurde in Nancy, Grand Est, Frankreich aufgenommen. ---- Photo of Dysphania botrys (Klebriger Druesengaensefuss - Sticky Goosefoot).The picture was taken in Nancy, Grand Est, France.Amaranthus blitoides (Westamerikanischer Fuchsschwanz - Prostrate Pigweed) | Foto von Amaranthus blitoides (Westamerikanischer Fuchsschwanz - Prostrate Pigweed). Das Foto wurde in Dresden, Sachsen, Deutschland aufgenommen. ---- Photo of Amaranthus blitoides (Westamerikanischer Fuchsschwanz - Prostrate Pigweed).The picture was taken in Dresden, Sachsen, Germany.Polycnemum arvense (Acker-Knorpelkraut - Field Polycnemum) | Foto von Polycnemum arvense (Acker-Knorpelkraut - Field Polycnemum). Das Foto wurde in Frankfurt, Hessen, Deutschland aufgenommen. ---- Photo of Polycnemum arvense (Acker-Knorpelkraut - Field Polycnemum).The picture was taken in Frankfurt, Hesse, Germany.Polycnemum majus (Grosses Knorpelkraut - Greater Polycnemum) | Foto von Polycnemum majus (Grosses Knorpelkraut - Greater Polycnemum). Das Foto wurde in Mainz, Rheinland-Pfalz, Deutschland aufgenommen. ---- Photo of Polycnemum majus (Grosses Knorpelkraut - Greater Polycnemum).The picture was taken in Mainz, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany.Beta vulgaris (Futter-Ruebe - Beet) | Foto von Beta vulgaris (Futter-Ruebe - Beet). Das Foto wurde in Jardin des Plantes, Paris, Frankreich aufgenommen. ---- Photo of Beta vulgaris (Futter-Ruebe - Beet).The picture was taken in Jardin des Plantes, Paris, France.Beta vulgaris (Futter-Ruebe - Beet) | Foto von Beta vulgaris (Futter-Ruebe - Beet). Das Foto wurde in Berlin, Deutschland aufgenommen. ---- Photo of Beta vulgaris (Futter-Ruebe - Beet).The picture was taken in Berlin, Germany.Atriplex sagittata (Glanz-Melde - Purple Orache) | Foto von Atriplex sagittata (Glanz-Melde - Purple Orache). Das Foto wurde in Dresden, Sachsen, Deutschland aufgenommen. ---- Photo of Atriplex sagittata (Glanz-Melde - Purple Orache).The picture was taken in Dresden, Sachsen, Germany.Atriplex calotheca (Pfeilblaettrige Melde - Halberdleaf Orache) | Foto von Atriplex calotheca (Pfeilblaettrige Melde - Halberdleaf Orache). Das Foto wurde in Bremen, Deutschland aufgenommen. ---- Photo of Atriplex calotheca (Pfeilblaettrige Melde - Halberdleaf Orache).The picture was taken in Bremen, Germany.Atriplex prostrata (Spiess-Melde - Spear-leaved Orache) | Foto von Atriplex prostrata (Spiess-Melde - Spear-leaved Orache). Das Foto wurde in Dresden, Sachsen, Deutschland aufgenommen. ---- Photo of Atriplex prostrata (Spiess-Melde - Spear-leaved Orache).The picture was taken in Dresden, Sachsen, Germany.Atriplex hortensis (Garten-Melde - Garden Orache) | Foto von Atriplex hortensis (Garten-Melde - Garden Orache). Das Foto wurde in Dresden, Sachsen, Deutschland aufgenommen. ---- Photo of Atriplex hortensis (Garten-Melde - Garden Orache).The picture was taken in Dresden, Sachsen, Germany.Atriplex littoralis (Strand-Melde - Grass-leaved Orache) | Foto von Atriplex littoralis (Strand-Melde - Grass-leaved Orache). Das Foto wurde in Dresden, Sachsen, Deutschland aufgenommen. ---- Photo of Atriplex littoralis (Strand-Melde - Grass-leaved Orache).The picture was taken in Dresden, Sachsen, Germany.Atriplex rosea (Rosen-Melde - Redscale) | Foto von Atriplex rosea (Rosen-Melde - Redscale). Das Foto wurde in Mainz, Rheinland-Pfalz, Deutschland aufgenommen. ---- Photo of Atriplex rosea (Rosen-Melde - Redscale).The picture was taken in Mainz, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany.Chenopodium strictum (Gestreifter Gaensefuss - Striped Goosefoot) | Foto von Chenopodium strictum (Gestreifter Gaensefuss - Striped Goosefoot). Das Foto wurde in Bremen, Deutschland aufgenommen. ---- Photo of Chenopodium strictum (Gestreifter Gaensefuss - Striped Goosefoot).The picture was taken in Bremen, Germany.Beta trigyna | Foto von Beta trigyna. Das Foto wurde in Lyon, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Frankreich aufgenommen. ---- Photo of Beta trigyna.The picture was taken in Lyon, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France.Blitum capitatum | Foto von Blitum capitatum. Das Foto wurde in Mainz, Rheinland-Pfalz, Deutschland aufgenommen. ---- Photo of Blitum capitatum.The picture was taken in Mainz, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany.Chenopodium ficifolium (Feigenblaettriger Gaensefuss - Fig-leaved Goosefoot) | Foto von Chenopodium ficifolium (Feigenblaettriger Gaensefuss - Fig-leaved Goosefoot). Das Foto wurde in Goettingen, Niedersachsen, Deutschland aufgenommen. ---- Photo of Chenopodium ficifolium (Feigenblaettriger Gaensefuss - Fig-leaved Goosefoot).The picture was taken in Goettingen, Lower Saxony, Germany.Spinacia oleracea | Foto von Spinacia oleracea. Das Foto wurde in Dresden, Sachsen, Deutschland aufgenommen. ---- Photo of Spinacia oleracea.The picture was taken in Dresden, Sachsen, Germany.Hablitzia tamnoides (Kaukasischer Rankspinat) | Foto von Hablitzia tamnoides (Kaukasischer Rankspinat). Das Foto wurde in Lyon, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Frankreich aufgenommen. ---- Photo of Hablitzia tamnoides (Kaukasischer Rankspinat).The picture was taken in Lyon, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France.Bassia prostrata | Foto von Bassia prostrata. Das Foto wurde in Wien, Österreich aufgenommen. ---- Photo of Bassia prostrata.The picture was taken in Vienna, Austria.Dysphania ambrosioides (Duft-Druesengaensefuss - Mexican-tea) | Foto von Dysphania ambrosioides (Duft-Druesengaensefuss - Mexican-tea). Das Foto wurde in Trieste, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Italien aufgenommen. ---- Photo of Dysphania ambrosioides (Duft-Druesengaensefuss - Mexican-tea).The picture was taken in Trieste, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Italy.Dysphania ambrosioides (Duft-Druesengaensefuss - Mexican-tea) | Foto von Dysphania ambrosioides (Duft-Druesengaensefuss - Mexican-tea). Das Foto wurde in Lyon, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Frankreich aufgenommen. ---- Photo of Dysphania ambrosioides (Duft-Druesengaensefuss - Mexican-tea).The picture was taken in Lyon, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France.Amaranthus caudatus | Foto von Amaranthus caudatus. Das Foto wurde in Nancy, Grand Est, Frankreich aufgenommen. ---- Photo of Amaranthus caudatus.The picture was taken in Nancy, Grand Est, France.Amaranthus cruentus | Foto von Amaranthus cruentus. Das Foto wurde in Nuernberg, Bayern, Deutschland aufgenommen. ---- Photo of Amaranthus cruentus.The picture was taken in Nuernberg, Bavaria, Germany.Amaranthus hypochondriacus | Foto von Amaranthus hypochondriacus. Das Foto wurde in Mainz, Rheinland-Pfalz, Deutschland aufgenommen. ---- Photo of Amaranthus hypochondriacus.The picture was taken in Mainz, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany.Amaranthus retroflexus (Zurueckgekruemmter Fuchsschwanz - Common Amaranth) | Foto von Amaranthus retroflexus (Zurueckgekruemmter Fuchsschwanz - Common Amaranth). Das Foto wurde in Goettingen, Niedersachsen, Deutschland aufgenommen. ---- Photo of Amaranthus retroflexus (Zurueckgekruemmter Fuchsschwanz - Common Amaranth).The picture was taken in Goettingen, Lower Saxony, Germany.Corispermum hyssopifolium | Historische Abbildung von Corispermum hyssopifolium. Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht und Same. ---- Historical Drawing of Corispermum hyssopifolium.The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit and seed.Amaranthus retroflexus (Zurueckgekruemmter Fuchsschwanz - Common Amaranth) | Historische Abbildung von Amaranthus retroflexus (Zurueckgekruemmter Fuchsschwanz - Common Amaranth). Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht und Same. ---- Historical Drawing of Amaranthus retroflexus (Zurueckgekruemmter Fuchsschwanz - Common Amaranth).The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit and seed.Halimione portulacoides (Portulak-Keilmelde - Sea-purslane) | Historische Abbildung von Halimione portulacoides (Portulak-Keilmelde - Sea-purslane). Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht und Same. ---- Historical Drawing of Halimione portulacoides (Portulak-Keilmelde - Sea-purslane).The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit and seed.Krascheninnikovia ceratoides | Historische Abbildung von Krascheninnikovia ceratoides. Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht und Same. ---- Historical Drawing of Krascheninnikovia ceratoides.The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit and seed.Oxybasis rubra (Roter Gaensefuss - Red Goosefoot) | Historische Abbildung von Oxybasis rubra (Roter Gaensefuss - Red Goosefoot). Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht und Same. ---- Historical Drawing of Oxybasis rubra (Roter Gaensefuss - Red Goosefoot).The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit and seed.Atriplex patula (Spreizende Melde - Common Orache) | Historische Abbildung von Atriplex patula (Spreizende Melde - Common Orache). Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht und Same. ---- Historical Drawing of Atriplex patula (Spreizende Melde - Common Orache).The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit and seed.Blitum bonus-henricus (Guter Heinrich - Good-King-Henry) | Historische Abbildung von Blitum bonus-henricus (Guter Heinrich - Good-King-Henry). Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht und Same. ---- Historical Drawing of Blitum bonus-henricus (Guter Heinrich - Good-King-Henry).The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit and seed.Chenopodiastrum murale (Mauer-Gaensefuss - Nettle-leaved Goosefoot) | Historische Abbildung von Chenopodiastrum murale (Mauer-Gaensefuss - Nettle-leaved Goosefoot). Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht und Same. ---- Historical Drawing of Chenopodiastrum murale (Mauer-Gaensefuss - Nettle-leaved Goosefoot).The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit and seed.Chenopodium vulvaria (Stinkender Gaensefuss - Stinking Goosefoot) | Historische Abbildung von Chenopodium vulvaria (Stinkender Gaensefuss - Stinking Goosefoot). Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht und Same. ---- Historical Drawing of Chenopodium vulvaria (Stinkender Gaensefuss - Stinking Goosefoot).The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit and seed.Halimione pedunculata (Gestielte Keilmelde - Pedunculate Sea-purslane) | Historische Abbildung von Halimione pedunculata (Gestielte Keilmelde - Pedunculate Sea-purslane). Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht und Same. ---- Historical Drawing of Halimione pedunculata (Gestielte Keilmelde - Pedunculate Sea-purslane).The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit and seed.Halimione portulacoides (Portulak-Keilmelde - Sea-purslane) | Historische Abbildung von Halimione portulacoides (Portulak-Keilmelde - Sea-purslane). Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht und Same. ---- Historical Drawing of Halimione portulacoides (Portulak-Keilmelde - Sea-purslane).The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit and seed.Salicornia europaea (Europaeischer Queller - Common Glasswort) | Historische Abbildung von Salicornia europaea (Europaeischer Queller - Common Glasswort). Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht und Same. ---- Historical Drawing of Salicornia europaea (Europaeischer Queller - Common Glasswort).The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit and seed.Spinacia oleracea | Historische Abbildung von Spinacia oleracea. Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht und Same. ---- Historical Drawing of Spinacia oleracea.The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit and seed.Blitum capitatum | Historische Abbildung von Blitum capitatum. Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht und Same. ---- Historical Drawing of Blitum capitatum.The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit and seed.Beta vulgaris (Futter-Ruebe - Beet) | Historische Abbildung von Beta vulgaris (Futter-Ruebe - Beet). Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht und Same. ---- Historical Drawing of Beta vulgaris (Futter-Ruebe - Beet).The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit and seed.Dysphania ambrosioides (Duft-Druesengaensefuss - Mexican-tea) | Historische Abbildung von Dysphania ambrosioides (Duft-Druesengaensefuss - Mexican-tea). Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht und Same. ---- Historical Drawing of Dysphania ambrosioides (Duft-Druesengaensefuss - Mexican-tea).The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit and seed.Salsola kali (Gewoehnliches Kali-Salzkraut - Prickly Saltwort) | Historische Abbildung von Salsola kali (Gewoehnliches Kali-Salzkraut - Prickly Saltwort). Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht und Same. ---- Historical Drawing of Salsola kali (Gewoehnliches Kali-Salzkraut - Prickly Saltwort).The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit and seed.Amaranthus hybridus agg. (Gruenaehriger Fuchsschwanz - Green Amaranth) | Historische Abbildung von Amaranthus hybridus agg. (Gruenaehriger Fuchsschwanz - Green Amaranth). Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht und Same. ---- Historical Drawing of Amaranthus hybridus agg. (Gruenaehriger Fuchsschwanz - Green Amaranth).The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit and seed.Amaranthus cruentus | Historische Abbildung von Amaranthus cruentus. Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht und Same. ---- Historical Drawing of Amaranthus cruentus.The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit and seed.Spinacia oleracea | Historische Abbildung von Spinacia oleracea. Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht und Same. ---- Historical Drawing of Spinacia oleracea.The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit and seed.Amaranthus hypochondriacus | Historische Abbildung von Amaranthus hypochondriacus. Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht und Same. ---- Historical Drawing of Amaranthus hypochondriacus.The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit and seed.Oxybasis glauca (Graugruener Gaensefuss - Oak-leaved Goosefoot) | Historische Abbildung von Oxybasis glauca (Graugruener Gaensefuss - Oak-leaved Goosefoot). Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht und Same. ---- Historical Drawing of Oxybasis glauca (Graugruener Gaensefuss - Oak-leaved Goosefoot).The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit and seed.Chenopodiastrum hybridum (Breitblaettriger Gaensefuss - Maple-leaved Goosefoot) | Historische Abbildung von Chenopodiastrum hybridum (Breitblaettriger Gaensefuss - Maple-leaved Goosefoot). Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht und Same. ---- Historical Drawing of Chenopodiastrum hybridum (Breitblaettriger Gaensefuss - Maple-leaved Goosefoot).The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit and seed.Krascheninnikovia ceratoides | Historische Abbildung von Krascheninnikovia ceratoides. Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht und Same. ---- Historical Drawing of Krascheninnikovia ceratoides.The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit and seed.Lipandra polysperma (Vielsamiger Gaensefuss - Many-seeded Goosefoot) | Historische Abbildung von Lipandra polysperma (Vielsamiger Gaensefuss - Many-seeded Goosefoot). Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht und Same. ---- Historical Drawing of Lipandra polysperma (Vielsamiger Gaensefuss - Many-seeded Goosefoot).The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit and seed.Suaeda maritima (Strandsode - Annual Sea-blite) | Historische Abbildung von Suaeda maritima (Strandsode - Annual Sea-blite). Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht und Same. ---- Historical Drawing of Suaeda maritima (Strandsode - Annual Sea-blite).The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit and seed.Salicornia europaea (Europaeischer Queller - Common Glasswort) | Historische Abbildung von Salicornia europaea (Europaeischer Queller - Common Glasswort). Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht und Same. ---- Historical Drawing of Salicornia europaea (Europaeischer Queller - Common Glasswort).The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit and seed.Atriplex prostrata (Spiess-Melde - Spear-leaved Orache) | Historische Abbildung von Atriplex prostrata (Spiess-Melde - Spear-leaved Orache). Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht und Same. ---- Historical Drawing of Atriplex prostrata (Spiess-Melde - Spear-leaved Orache).The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit and seed.Atriplex prostrata (Spiess-Melde - Spear-leaved Orache) | Historische Abbildung von Atriplex prostrata (Spiess-Melde - Spear-leaved Orache). Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht und Same. ---- Historical Drawing of Atriplex prostrata (Spiess-Melde - Spear-leaved Orache).The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit and seed.Salicornia procumbens (Sandwatt-Queller - Yellow Glasswort) | Historische Abbildung von Salicornia procumbens (Sandwatt-Queller - Yellow Glasswort). Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht und Same. ---- Historical Drawing of Salicornia procumbens (Sandwatt-Queller - Yellow Glasswort).The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit and seed.Chenopodiastrum hybridum (Breitblaettriger Gaensefuss - Maple-leaved Goosefoot) | Historische Abbildung von Chenopodiastrum hybridum (Breitblaettriger Gaensefuss - Maple-leaved Goosefoot). Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht und Same. ---- Historical Drawing of Chenopodiastrum hybridum (Breitblaettriger Gaensefuss - Maple-leaved Goosefoot).The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit and seed.Bassia laniflora (Sand-Radmelde - Sand Smotherweed) | Historische Abbildung von Bassia laniflora (Sand-Radmelde - Sand Smotherweed). Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht und Same. ---- Historical Drawing of Bassia laniflora (Sand-Radmelde - Sand Smotherweed).The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit and seed.Atriplex oblongifolia (Langblaettrige Melde - Oblongleaf Orache) | Historische Abbildung von Atriplex oblongifolia (Langblaettrige Melde - Oblongleaf Orache). Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht und Same. ---- Historical Drawing of Atriplex oblongifolia (Langblaettrige Melde - Oblongleaf Orache).The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit and seed.Atriplex patula (Spreizende Melde - Common Orache) | Historische Abbildung von Atriplex patula (Spreizende Melde - Common Orache). Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht und Same. ---- Historical Drawing of Atriplex patula (Spreizende Melde - Common Orache).The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit and seed.Blitum bonus-henricus (Guter Heinrich - Good-King-Henry) | Historische Abbildung von Blitum bonus-henricus (Guter Heinrich - Good-King-Henry). Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht und Same. ---- Historical Drawing of Blitum bonus-henricus (Guter Heinrich - Good-King-Henry).The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit and seed.Atriplex hortensis (Garten-Melde - Garden Orache) | Historische Abbildung von Atriplex hortensis (Garten-Melde - Garden Orache). Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht und Same. ---- Historical Drawing of Atriplex hortensis (Garten-Melde - Garden Orache).The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit and seed.Atriplex laciniata (Gelappte Melde - Frosted Orache) | Historische Abbildung von Atriplex laciniata (Gelappte Melde - Frosted Orache). Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht und Same. ---- Historical Drawing of Atriplex laciniata (Gelappte Melde - Frosted Orache).The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit and seed.Atriplex littoralis (Strand-Melde - Grass-leaved Orache) | Historische Abbildung von Atriplex littoralis (Strand-Melde - Grass-leaved Orache). Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht und Same. ---- Historical Drawing of Atriplex littoralis (Strand-Melde - Grass-leaved Orache).The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit and seed.Blitum capitatum | Historische Abbildung von Blitum capitatum. Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht und Same. ---- Historical Drawing of Blitum capitatum.The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit and seed.Chenopodium ficifolium (Feigenblaettriger Gaensefuss - Fig-leaved Goosefoot) | Historische Abbildung von Chenopodium ficifolium (Feigenblaettriger Gaensefuss - Fig-leaved Goosefoot). Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht und Same. ---- Historical Drawing of Chenopodium ficifolium (Feigenblaettriger Gaensefuss - Fig-leaved Goosefoot).The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit and seed.Chenopodium vulvaria (Stinkender Gaensefuss - Stinking Goosefoot) | Historische Abbildung von Chenopodium vulvaria (Stinkender Gaensefuss - Stinking Goosefoot). Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht und Same. ---- Historical Drawing of Chenopodium vulvaria (Stinkender Gaensefuss - Stinking Goosefoot).The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit and seed.Corispermum intermedium (Schmalfluegeliger Wanzensame - Bugseed) | Historische Abbildung von Corispermum intermedium (Schmalfluegeliger Wanzensame - Bugseed). Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht und Same. ---- Historical Drawing of Corispermum intermedium (Schmalfluegeliger Wanzensame - Bugseed).The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit and seed.Halimione portulacoides (Portulak-Keilmelde - Sea-purslane) | Historische Abbildung von Halimione portulacoides (Portulak-Keilmelde - Sea-purslane). Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht und Same. ---- Historical Drawing of Halimione portulacoides (Portulak-Keilmelde - Sea-purslane).The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit and seed.Atriplex prostrata (Spiess-Melde - Spear-leaved Orache) | Historische Abbildung von Atriplex prostrata (Spiess-Melde - Spear-leaved Orache). Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht und Same. ---- Historical Drawing of Atriplex prostrata (Spiess-Melde - Spear-leaved Orache).The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit and seed.Atriplex sagittata (Glanz-Melde - Purple Orache) | Historische Abbildung von Atriplex sagittata (Glanz-Melde - Purple Orache). Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht und Same. ---- Historical Drawing of Atriplex sagittata (Glanz-Melde - Purple Orache).The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit and seed.Oxybasis rubra (Roter Gaensefuss - Red Goosefoot) | Historische Abbildung von Oxybasis rubra (Roter Gaensefuss - Red Goosefoot). Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht und Same. ---- Historical Drawing of Oxybasis rubra (Roter Gaensefuss - Red Goosefoot).The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit and seed.Oxybasis glauca (Graugruener Gaensefuss - Oak-leaved Goosefoot) | Historische Abbildung von Oxybasis glauca (Graugruener Gaensefuss - Oak-leaved Goosefoot). Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht und Same. ---- Historical Drawing of Oxybasis glauca (Graugruener Gaensefuss - Oak-leaved Goosefoot).The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit and seed.Oxybasis chenopodioides (Dickblaettriger Gaensefuss - Saltmarsh Goosefoot) | Historische Abbildung von Oxybasis chenopodioides (Dickblaettriger Gaensefuss - Saltmarsh Goosefoot). Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht und Same. ---- Historical Drawing of Oxybasis chenopodioides (Dickblaettriger Gaensefuss - Saltmarsh Goosefoot).The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit and seed.Chenopodiastrum murale (Mauer-Gaensefuss - Nettle-leaved Goosefoot) | Historische Abbildung von Chenopodiastrum murale (Mauer-Gaensefuss - Nettle-leaved Goosefoot). Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht und Same. ---- Historical Drawing of Chenopodiastrum murale (Mauer-Gaensefuss - Nettle-leaved Goosefoot).The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit and seed.Chenopodiastrum hybridum (Breitblaettriger Gaensefuss - Maple-leaved Goosefoot) | Historische Abbildung von Chenopodiastrum hybridum (Breitblaettriger Gaensefuss - Maple-leaved Goosefoot). Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht und Same. ---- Historical Drawing of Chenopodiastrum hybridum (Breitblaettriger Gaensefuss - Maple-leaved Goosefoot).The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit and seed.Chenopodium opulifolium (Schneeballblaettriger Gaensefuss - Grey Goosefoot) | Historische Abbildung von Chenopodium opulifolium (Schneeballblaettriger Gaensefuss - Grey Goosefoot). Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht und Same. ---- Historical Drawing of Chenopodium opulifolium (Schneeballblaettriger Gaensefuss - Grey Goosefoot).The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit and seed.Dysphania ambrosioides (Duft-Druesengaensefuss - Mexican-tea) | Historische Abbildung von Dysphania ambrosioides (Duft-Druesengaensefuss - Mexican-tea). Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht und Same. ---- Historical Drawing of Dysphania ambrosioides (Duft-Druesengaensefuss - Mexican-tea).The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit and seed.Dysphania botrys (Klebriger Druesengaensefuss - Sticky Goosefoot) | Historische Abbildung von Dysphania botrys (Klebriger Druesengaensefuss - Sticky Goosefoot). Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht und Same. ---- Historical Drawing of Dysphania botrys (Klebriger Druesengaensefuss - Sticky Goosefoot).The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit and seed.Corispermum nitidum | Historische Abbildung von Corispermum nitidum. Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht und Same. ---- Historical Drawing of Corispermum nitidum.The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit and seed.Beta trigyna | Historische Abbildung von Beta trigyna. Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht und Same. ---- Historical Drawing of Beta trigyna.The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit and seed.Camphorosma annua | Historische Abbildung von Camphorosma annua. Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht und Same. ---- Historical Drawing of Camphorosma annua.The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit and seed.Amaranthus caudatus | Historische Abbildung von Amaranthus caudatus. Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht und Same. ---- Historical Drawing of Amaranthus caudatus.The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit and seed.Salicornia europaea (Europaeischer Queller - Common Glasswort) | Historische Abbildung von Salicornia europaea (Europaeischer Queller - Common Glasswort). Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht und Same. ---- Historical Drawing of Salicornia europaea (Europaeischer Queller - Common Glasswort).The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit and seed.Bassia hirsuta (Rauhaarige Dornmelde - Hairy Seablite) | Historische Abbildung von Bassia hirsuta (Rauhaarige Dornmelde - Hairy Seablite). Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht und Same. ---- Historical Drawing of Bassia hirsuta (Rauhaarige Dornmelde - Hairy Seablite).The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit and seed.Corispermum hyssopifolium | Historische Abbildung von Corispermum hyssopifolium. Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht und Same. ---- Historical Drawing of Corispermum hyssopifolium.The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit and seed.Atriplex laciniata (Gelappte Melde - Frosted Orache) | Historische Abbildung von Atriplex laciniata (Gelappte Melde - Frosted Orache). Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht und Same. ---- Historical Drawing of Atriplex laciniata (Gelappte Melde - Frosted Orache).The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit and seed.Salicornia europaea (Europaeischer Queller - Common Glasswort) | Historische Abbildung von Salicornia europaea (Europaeischer Queller - Common Glasswort). Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht und Same. ---- Historical Drawing of Salicornia europaea (Europaeischer Queller - Common Glasswort).The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit and seed.Hablitzia tamnoides (Kaukasischer Rankspinat) | Historische Abbildung von Hablitzia tamnoides (Kaukasischer Rankspinat). Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht und Same. ---- Historical Drawing of Hablitzia tamnoides (Kaukasischer Rankspinat).The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit and seed.Amaranthus deflexus (Liegender Fuchsschwanz - Perennial Pigweed) | Historische Abbildung von Amaranthus deflexus (Liegender Fuchsschwanz - Perennial Pigweed). Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht und Same. ---- Historical Drawing of Amaranthus deflexus (Liegender Fuchsschwanz - Perennial Pigweed).The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit and seed.Amaranthus graecizans (Griechischer Fuchsschwanz - Short-tepalled Pigweed) | Historische Abbildung von Amaranthus graecizans (Griechischer Fuchsschwanz - Short-tepalled Pigweed). Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht und Same. ---- Historical Drawing of Amaranthus graecizans (Griechischer Fuchsschwanz - Short-tepalled Pigweed).The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit and seed.Amaranthus retroflexus (Zurueckgekruemmter Fuchsschwanz - Common Amaranth) | Historische Abbildung von Amaranthus retroflexus (Zurueckgekruemmter Fuchsschwanz - Common Amaranth). Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht und Same. ---- Historical Drawing of Amaranthus retroflexus (Zurueckgekruemmter Fuchsschwanz - Common Amaranth).The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit and seed.Corispermum hyssopifolium | Historische Abbildung von Corispermum hyssopifolium. Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht und Same. ---- Historical Drawing of Corispermum hyssopifolium.The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit and seed.Amaranthus blitum agg. (Blaeulicher Fuchsschwanz - Purple Amaranth) | Historische Abbildung von Amaranthus blitum agg. (Blaeulicher Fuchsschwanz - Purple Amaranth). Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht und Same. ---- Historical Drawing of Amaranthus blitum agg. (Blaeulicher Fuchsschwanz - Purple Amaranth).The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit and seed.Amaranthus cruentus | Historische Abbildung von Amaranthus cruentus. Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht und Same. ---- Historical Drawing of Amaranthus cruentus.The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit and seed.Suaeda maritima (Strandsode - Annual Sea-blite) | Historische Abbildung von Suaeda maritima (Strandsode - Annual Sea-blite). Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht und Same. ---- Historical Drawing of Suaeda maritima (Strandsode - Annual Sea-blite).The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit and seed.Amaranthus hypochondriacus | Historische Abbildung von Amaranthus hypochondriacus. Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht und Same. ---- Historical Drawing of Amaranthus hypochondriacus.The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit and seed.Salicornia disarticulata | Historische Abbildung von Salicornia disarticulata. Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht und Same. ---- Historical Drawing of Salicornia disarticulata.The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit and seed.Atriplex rosea (Rosen-Melde - Redscale) | Historische Abbildung von Atriplex rosea (Rosen-Melde - Redscale). Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht und Same. ---- Historical Drawing of Atriplex rosea (Rosen-Melde - Redscale).The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit and seed.Amaranthus caudatus | Historische Abbildung von Amaranthus caudatus. Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht und Same. ---- Historical Drawing of Amaranthus caudatus.The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit and seed.Amaranthus hybridus agg. (Gruenaehriger Fuchsschwanz - Green Amaranth) | Historische Abbildung von Amaranthus hybridus agg. (Gruenaehriger Fuchsschwanz - Green Amaranth). Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht und Same. ---- Historical Drawing of Amaranthus hybridus agg. (Gruenaehriger Fuchsschwanz - Green Amaranth).The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit and seed.Achyranthes aspera (Spreublume) | Historische Abbildung von Achyranthes aspera (Spreublume). Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht, Same | Historical drawing of Achyranthes aspera (Spreublume). The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit, seedAlternanthera ficoidea (Papageienblatt) | Historische Abbildung von Alternanthera ficoidea (Papageienblatt). Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht, Same | Historical drawing of Alternanthera ficoidea (Papageienblatt). The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit, seedAlternanthera pungens (Stechendes Papageienkraut) | Historische Abbildung von Alternanthera pungens (Stechendes Papageienkraut). Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht, Same | Historical drawing of Alternanthera pungens (Stechendes Papageienkraut). The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit, seedAlternanthera pungens (Stechendes Papageienkraut) | Historische Abbildung von Alternanthera pungens (Stechendes Papageienkraut). Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht, Same | Historical drawing of Alternanthera pungens (Stechendes Papageienkraut). The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit, seedAmaranthus crispus (Krauser Fuchsschwanz) | Historische Abbildung von Amaranthus crispus (Krauser Fuchsschwanz). Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht, Same | Historical drawing of Amaranthus crispus (Krauser Fuchsschwanz). The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit, seedAmaranthus dubius (Zweifelhafter Fuchsschwanz) | Historische Abbildung von Amaranthus dubius (Zweifelhafter Fuchsschwanz). Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht, Same | Historical drawing of Amaranthus dubius (Zweifelhafter Fuchsschwanz). The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit, seedAmaranthus spinosus (Dorniger Fuchsschwanz) | Historische Abbildung von Amaranthus spinosus (Dorniger Fuchsschwanz). Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht, Same | Historical drawing of Amaranthus spinosus (Dorniger Fuchsschwanz). The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit, seedAmaranthus spinosus (Dorniger Fuchsschwanz) | Historische Abbildung von Amaranthus spinosus (Dorniger Fuchsschwanz). Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht, Same | Historical drawing of Amaranthus spinosus (Dorniger Fuchsschwanz). The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit, seedAmaranthus spinosus (Dorniger Fuchsschwanz) | Historische Abbildung von Amaranthus spinosus (Dorniger Fuchsschwanz). Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht, Same | Historical drawing of Amaranthus spinosus (Dorniger Fuchsschwanz). The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit, seedAmaranthus tricolor (Dreifarben-Amarant) | Historische Abbildung von Amaranthus tricolor (Dreifarben-Amarant). Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht, Same | Historical drawing of Amaranthus tricolor (Dreifarben-Amarant). The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit, seedAmaranthus tricolor (Dreifarben-Amarant) | Historische Abbildung von Amaranthus tricolor (Dreifarben-Amarant). Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht, Same | Historical drawing of Amaranthus tricolor (Dreifarben-Amarant). The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit, seedAmaranthus viridis (Gruener Fuchsschwanz) | Historische Abbildung von Amaranthus viridis (Gruener Fuchsschwanz). Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht, Same | Historical drawing of Amaranthus viridis (Gruener Fuchsschwanz). The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit, seedAmaranthus viridis (Gruener Fuchsschwanz) | Historische Abbildung von Amaranthus viridis (Gruener Fuchsschwanz). Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht, Same | Historical drawing of Amaranthus viridis (Gruener Fuchsschwanz). The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit, seedAmaranthus viridis (Gruener Fuchsschwanz) | Historische Abbildung von Amaranthus viridis (Gruener Fuchsschwanz). Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht, Same | Historical drawing of Amaranthus viridis (Gruener Fuchsschwanz). The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit, seedAxyris amaranthoides | Historische Abbildung von Axyris amaranthoides. Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht, Same | Historical drawing of Axyris amaranthoides. The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit, seedBeta vulgaris (Runkelruebe - Beet) | Historische Abbildung von Beta vulgaris (Runkelruebe - Beet). Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht, Same | Historical drawing of Beta vulgaris (Runkelruebe - Beet). The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit, seedBosea yervamora | Historische Abbildung von Bosea yervamora. Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht, Same | Historical drawing of Bosea yervamora. The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit, seedCelosia argentea (Silber-Brandschopf) | Historische Abbildung von Celosia argentea (Silber-Brandschopf). Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht, Same | Historical drawing of Celosia argentea (Silber-Brandschopf). The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit, seedCelosia argentea (Silber-Brandschopf) | Historische Abbildung von Celosia argentea (Silber-Brandschopf). Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht, Same | Historical drawing of Celosia argentea (Silber-Brandschopf). The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit, seedCelosia argentea (Silber-Brandschopf) | Historische Abbildung von Celosia argentea (Silber-Brandschopf). Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht, Same | Historical drawing of Celosia argentea (Silber-Brandschopf). The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit, seedCelosia argentea (Silber-Brandschopf) | Historische Abbildung von Celosia argentea (Silber-Brandschopf). Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht, Same | Historical drawing of Celosia argentea (Silber-Brandschopf). The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit, seedDysphania schraderiana (Schraders Gaensefuss) | Historische Abbildung von Dysphania schraderiana (Schraders Gaensefuss). Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht, Same | Historical drawing of Dysphania schraderiana (Schraders Gaensefuss). The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit, seedGomphrena globosa (Echter Kugelamarant) | Historische Abbildung von Gomphrena globosa (Echter Kugelamarant). Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht, Same | Historical drawing of Gomphrena globosa (Echter Kugelamarant). The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit, seedHablitzia tamnoides (Kaukasischer Rankspinat) | Historische Abbildung von Hablitzia tamnoides (Kaukasischer Rankspinat). Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht, Same | Historical drawing of Hablitzia tamnoides (Kaukasischer Rankspinat). The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit, seedHalogeton sativus | Historische Abbildung von Halogeton sativus. Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht, Same | Historical drawing of Halogeton sativus. The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit, seedIresine herbstii (Brasilianische Iresine) | Historische Abbildung von Iresine herbstii (Brasilianische Iresine). Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht, Same | Historical drawing of Iresine herbstii (Brasilianische Iresine). The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit, seedOreobliton thesioides | Historische Abbildung von Oreobliton thesioides. Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht, Same | Historical drawing of Oreobliton thesioides. The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit, seedPetrosimonia triandra | Historische Abbildung von Petrosimonia triandra. Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht, Same | Historical drawing of Petrosimonia triandra. The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit, seedPtilotus alopecuroideus | Historische Abbildung von Ptilotus alopecuroideus. Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht, Same | Historical drawing of Ptilotus alopecuroideus. The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit, seedPupalia lappacea | Historische Abbildung von Pupalia lappacea. Das Bild zeigt Blatt, Bluete, Frucht, Same | Historical drawing of Pupalia lappacea. The image is showing leaf, flower, fruit, seed